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The people we support tell us that they face daily discrimination, hardship, and barriers. Every day, we listen and learn from them so we can work together to create the change needed.

Over the last five years, the Together Trust has campaigned on a range of issues. We are part of the #KeepCaringto18 group who have called for all children in care to receive care where they live until at least age 18, by campaigning and bringing a judicial review action against the Government.

We are active members of strategic networks like the Disabled Children’s Partnership, the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition and the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers, which has given us the opportunity to amplify our reach and benefit from decades of experience in the sector.

We have engaged with young people, parents and carers, our staff, professionals, and other organisations to understand what matters to them, and challenged Government proposals when they do not go far enough to protect and champion the rights of the people we support.

This year, we have responded to consultations on Government proposals for a new ten-year mental health strategy, and changes to the way that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported in England.

Our vision is a society where people thrive because they are valued within their communities. We strive to make that a reality through our campaigning work.

Want to get in touch directly?

Lucy Croxton
Policy, Public Affairs and Campaigns Manager